
And Frida’s red ribbons
For each man who is looking for art
When respect was never found in looks
For each woman who is looking for security
And love was never found inside books
Romance for what it is worth has left us divorced
Where everything better is waiting in another place
When we have yet to learn to stay
Where pure joy is.

Copyright © Nomzi Kumalo, 2015.


  1. Beautiful and true! The might of the spirit is invisible to the eyes, yet holds everything together. Better stay where it is.


    1. It takes a long time to remember that pure joy is free. It does not need ribbons and disguises, nor does it need amplifiers. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. You are never alone and you are most welcome James.


    1. Indeed Paula. That is definitely one good way of putting it. It does become easier with daily practice. The world can continue to tell us about all the things that we do not have but it is up to each one of us to realise that we have so much to be grateful for already.

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